How to calculate how much will be the electricity bills for your operating electric heater?

E lectricity bill have to be paid for the energy you have utilized in the form of electricity. Electricity company bill you for your energy consumption in kwh. A kwh energy is said to be consumed, if a 1kw consuming device or appratus is stayed turned ON for one hour. This is the simplest definition you can find at various other website too. But there is a something you have to bother about. The electricity bill, for instance a 1HP(745W) motor, can be higher than what the device is consuming. The reason is that often devices or apparatus, like motor, have capacitance and inductance associated with them. Because of these, inductance and capacitance, the power factor is less than one. which results in extra loads to the transmission system and hence, electricity company charges for these unnecessary load. Don't worry if you so not understand power factor at this point of time.In very simple form, remember, the more the power factor, lower will be the reactive power consumtion(A power...