Common Electrical Insulation Materials

From this Image you may now have guessed what is this post about and about what we will be discussing further. Yes it is Ceramics which is widely used electrical insulation materials. But they aren't alone. There are other materials as well often termed as modern ceramics which offer a great deal of customization according to need. Ceramics have been known to human kind from ancient civilization, mainly for use as utensils. But now in the modern world they are mostly being used in electrical and electronic industries, Pharmaceuticals, Furnace Bricks and Lining, Glass, Cement, pottery, Sanitary wares. From now we Confine our self with the use of ceramics in regards to Industrial Heating in general and with electrical Heater in particular. To Start with, We might ask ourself the question: why only ceramics is use in electrical heater? To answer this lets start in the reverse direction i.e by asking when will a substance conduct an electrical current?. Any substance carr...